Can an SME be a liberated company ?

POPULARISED BY ISAAC GETZ IN 2009, CAN THE TERM “LIBERATED COMPANY” APPLY TO AN SME? FIRSTLY, WHAT IS A LIBERATED COMPANY? As you will see from the many articles on the subject, the concept of a liberated company is based on the idea that employees are best placed to know what to do internally to …

Plan for your success

Here are three key ideas to guide you to success: call on an external consultant to make your thinking more productive; be detached, but don’t ignore the detail; and finally, don’t concern yourself with macroeconomics: the No. 1 advantage of an SME is that it can escape the underlying trends of the market. SWIM FASTER …

It’s madness to re-structure a company that is not growing !

don’t try to fix stagnation by re-structuring: ORGANIsATIONAL PROBLEMS ARE MOST OFTEN solved by GROWTH.  Some businesses are just coasting. This doesn’t mean that they are in a nose-dive, but simply that they are stagnating. Turnover is no longer improving, profitability is imperceptibly reducing, employees and the Owner/Manager are becoming demotivated (the two often go …

Family SMES : a strength or a weakness ?

During the 2008 crisis, we rediscovered the virtues of family businesses. They offer a lot of advantages over listed companies: stable shareholding, long-term management, prudence and low levels of debt. So much so, that they were referred to as “the last bastions in the crisis” in a study by the UBS bank.  WHAT IS A …