Why SME managers should have a strategy

Too many Owner/Managers believe that having a strategy is a luxury only large group companies can afford. But anyone making the effort to create one will undoubtedly see the benefits in the form of a company committed to sustainable growth, able to mobilise its employees around a unifying project. So why can’t that be you? …

The growth of an SME should never be left to chance

Growth is determined by method and potential, rather than led by market conditions. And in an SME it is above all, linked to the goals of the Owner/Manager: their ability to be forward-thinking and to make the growth of the company the No. 1 objective from which all else flows. ANY SME IS CAPABLE OF …

Can an SME be a liberated company ?

POPULARISED BY ISAAC GETZ IN 2009, CAN THE TERM “LIBERATED COMPANY” APPLY TO AN SME? FIRSTLY, WHAT IS A LIBERATED COMPANY? As you will see from the many articles on the subject, the concept of a liberated company is based on the idea that employees are best placed to know what to do internally to …

Plan for your success

Here are three key ideas to guide you to success: call on an external consultant to make your thinking more productive; be detached, but don’t ignore the detail; and finally, don’t concern yourself with macroeconomics: the No. 1 advantage of an SME is that it can escape the underlying trends of the market. SWIM FASTER …

The hidden dangers for SMES of double-digit growth

Which SME has not dreamt of an annual growth of 20, 30 or even 40%? However, there are dangers with such a pace, the main one being to misjudge the “growth thresholds” at which the organisational structure, the teams and the daily work processes need to be adapted. Let’s explain: Whilst nobody wants stagnation or …

It’s madness to re-structure a company that is not growing !

don’t try to fix stagnation by re-structuring: ORGANIsATIONAL PROBLEMS ARE MOST OFTEN solved by GROWTH.  Some businesses are just coasting. This doesn’t mean that they are in a nose-dive, but simply that they are stagnating. Turnover is no longer improving, profitability is imperceptibly reducing, employees and the Owner/Manager are becoming demotivated (the two often go …